About Us

Ignite Now Ministries is committed to transforming lives and communities through the gospel of Jesus Christ by implementing Kingdom principles in innovative projects and initiatives. With a mission to bring hope, restoration, and practical assistance to those in need, the ministry focuses on advancing the Kingdom of God and its righteousness.

By integrating ministry, community development, and environmental stewardship, Ignite Now Ministries strives to make a meaningful and lasting impact. Every endeavor reflects a dedication to excellence and a deep desire to honor God through serving others.


To prepare believers for the return of our Lord by proclaiming the gospel to all nations and equipping them with a deep understanding of their identity as sons and daughters in Christ Jesus.


Our mission begins in our local community, engaging in evangelical outreach across streets and neighborhoods to ensure everyone has the opportunity to hear the gospel of Christ and make a personal decision for Jesus. We are committed to sowing the seeds of the Good News and seeking the lost so they may encounter Christ’s saving grace.

We believe in the Devine Trinity

God the Father

In essence, He is Yahweh God, uncreated, self-existent. He reveals Himself to us as our Father and wants us to relate to Him as our Father. The Father regenerates a believer through a spiritual birth into the essence of one of His children. Through faith we grow into sons of God.

God the Son

Jesus is Yahweh God in essence—uncreated and self-existent. He reveals Himself to us as the Son of God while also relating to us as a Friend and fully human. As our Brother, Jesus exemplifies how to live a Spirit-filled life, showing us the way to walk in harmony with the Holy Spirit.

God the Holy Spirit

God is Spirit, and true believers are called to worship Him in spirit and truth. The Spirit of God is, in essence, Yahweh. Sent by God the Son, the Spirit teaches, comforts, and guides us in the ways of the Father. The authority of Jesus is revealed and manifested through the Spirit of Holiness.

Real People. Real Impact.

Ignite Now Ministries emerged from a small-town cell group where Christians from various denominations came together to engage in a deeper study of God’s Word. The group focused on understanding the identity of the sons of God, life in Christ, and the resurrected life of a born-again believer in Jesus Christ.

Recognizing the need to fulfill the Great Commission within our sphere of influence, Ignite Now Ministries has since been actively involved in community development. Our initiatives include creating community sports facilities, establishing forums, and fostering sustainable businesses that serve the local community—all while sharing the gospel of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

We continue to trust God to equip and empower the body of Christ for the work He predestined before the foundation of the world.